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  • Writer's picturejames luke

Professional Floor Waxing in the Areas of Texas

No doubt hardwood floor is one of the most attractive and expensive things that you can have in your house. It has a long tradition and a timeless beauty. You are lucky if you have them in your home and definitely you want them to stay shiny for a long period. We have few tricks for you that keeps your floor new. In this article, you will find some simple rules for hardwood floor waxing.

Floor wax and floor finish appear to be similar but they have a major difference. Both are known as the material for floor finishing but no one can beat the floor waxing. The difference can be clearly seen as the finish is a protective coating that gives a glossy finish and is slip resistant. The floor waxing in Richardson TX is also a protective finishing product that can be buffed to give a nice glossy look to your floors. Both keep the damages away caused by foot traffic. Despite its timeless beauty, people do not like it because it needs regular care and renewal. Moreover, some waxing needs to be removed and then reapplied to keep their shine. Eventually, the process will take more time, expense and energy. With the process of floor finish, it needs a top layer or acrylic coating over the floor surface that is great for high foot traffic area due to its strength and durability.

Is the Floor Waxing Right For You?

The waxing depends on the original condition of the floor and its finishing. There are two things on your floor that can act as a barrier for dirt such as finished coat which stays on the wood and the sealant. The difference between the two is that if your floor has been coated then it will give shiny look which will disappear after few months. However, with the sealant, it gives a more matte look.

If your floor has a shiny coating then the hardwood flooring is not a good idea. Your floor only needs regular cleaning to keep the shine. However, if your floor is old and damages then hardwood flooring can provide you a temporary solution to renewal the shine. Keep in mind that you will need to invest in good refinishing after some time.

Essential Things to Know About Floor Waxing

Before you apply flooring wax on hardwood floors make sure that your floors are clean. Use a vacuum to sweep and mop to clean the floor. If you have carpet on your floor to hide the ugly floor, remove it or hire a professional steam carpet cleaning in Richardson TX to do the job. This is important because yo

ur purpose is to get a clean shiny floor so do not make it worse by trapping the dirt under the wax. Your floor should be dried completely before you apply wax on it.

If you choose to do the floor waxing on your own, read the direction before applying. In case of confusion, you can search on the internet or ask somebody at the home improvement store. There are general guidelines available for waxing but keep in mind that every brand is different and have different methods of product application. Therefore, read the instructions carefully to get the perfect results.

Initially, you need to apply a thin layer on the floor. If you see think streaks you might have applied too much wax. After applying the first layer, let it sink in for about an hour. Repeat the process until your floor does not absorb more wax. When the last layer does not sink into the woods simply wipe it off and leave the floor to dry for few hours. If you are still confused about the floor waxing process, call the professional to help you.

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